What Are Tight Curl Clients Seeking?

What are tight curl clients seeking? Insight.

They’ve watched all the YouTube, read all the blogs, and asked all of the questions in their free Facebook groups. Information is everywhere and they have consumed it like they were drinking from a firehose.

Many have every product on the Target aisle sitting under their bathroom sinks because a person with pretty hair told them it was the new, best thing. They have done all of the methods and slathered all of the good groceries on their hair.

Despite “doing all the right things” they’re still experiencing hair that is dehydrated, styles that aren’t lasting, and they are frustrated with the shenanigans. They are out of attention, time, and money trying to figure out their natural hair on their own.

The appointment that client has made with you is hopefully the end of a long journey. The client is anticipating the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with an expert who can guide them into simple + dope hair.

When a new tight curly + natural hair client sit in our chairs they are often seeking;

1. A realistic evaluation of their hair based on its essential elements

2. A collaborative plan that has honest timeframes & realistic forecasting of what it will take to transition their hair from where it is to where they want it to be.

3. A prescription for product + technique usage

4. A bomb cut + style

We created Cut It Kinky to help texture inspired cosmetologists serve their tight curl clients at the highest level possible. Our education is reflective of what the ends user, the client, is looking for in their stylist.


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